Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Not My Fault . . . I Can't Be Blamed!

"Maybe the Sky Is Falling" it says
on the cover of the current issue of Fortune.

"The Great American Slowdown" is
on the cover of this week's Economist.

It is true. Times are bad.

But don't make the wrong assumption here...
Don't think bad times for the economy
mean bad times for your earning potential.
The truth is quite the opposite actually.

Let me explain...

Analysts believe earnings should fall 12%
in the first quarter of 2008 (versus last year).
That's pretty bad. But when you crunch the numbers,
you see the truth...

You see, personal small businesses are recession proof.
Yes, 97% fail; but, not due to the economy. In fact,
small businesses eliminate the potential of outside
factors inhibiting or prohibiting your income; whilst,
simultaneously providing you with the best tax
deduction vehicle available to common people.

So what are your risks?

Small Businesses only fail when their owners don't
take personal responsibility for their success. They
lose focus, under-promote, or simply wait around for
someone or something to blame for the lack of revenue.

The aforementioned is precisely why the organization
below is celebrating phenomenal success for itself and
it's affiliate business owners. To the tune of having
paid $11 Million in commissions in just 39 weeks! They
have and give free access to industry leading mentors;
who, will one-on-one mentor new affiliates with action
oriented steps to fail-proof and recession proof their
small business.

Simply put, this organization has the hind and foresight
to recognize that . . .

"The Hole In Which They Give - Is The Hole In Which They Receive"

They have developed an action plan
of Character above Revenue; and their affiliates are
developing very profitable small businesses internationally.

So who or what controls your destiny?
The Economy?
Your Boss/Job
Wouldn't you rather be in control and responsible for
steering the ship on the voyage to your destination?

There are people who simply lack the self confidence to
take responsibility for themselves? It can be scary;
after all, if someone\something else if responsible for your
success and they fail, you have someone\someone else to blame.
They\It failed; ok - not my fault. BUT WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE YOU!
A Not Responsible Party And Still BROKE!!!

Let Us Show You A Better Way. Let us show you how to take
responsibility; and mentor, guide, and support you to A
Self Confident, Self-Reliant, Resilient and Successful
Entrepreneur Today.


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