Friday, July 25, 2008

Pinocchio or Jepetto? - Income Security is just a CLICK Away . . .

OK Pinocchio, it's time to seriously think about your role as the puppet in your J.O.B.

See any Relevancy? See anything Better?

PUPPETS - Wake at an established time to an alarm clock
ENTREPRENEURS - Sleep until their content

PUPPETS - Use Cafiene and other habitual stimulants to prepare for a day of servitude
ENTREPRENEURS - Use goals, self-belief, and action to prepare for new opportunities for achievement each day

PUPPETS - Groom to a code that they must adhere
ENTREPRENEURS - Sometimes forget to groom at all!

PUPPETS - Dress to a code that they must adhere
ENTREPRENEURS - Sometimes forget to get dressed at all!

PUPPETS - Say GOODBYE to their loved ones multiple times per week
ENTREPRENEURS - Say HELLO to their loved ones multiple times per Day

PUPPETS - Risk life, limb, and finance in daily commute
ENTREPRENEURS - Sometime forget to leave the house at all!

PUPPETS - Park, enter, prepare, and report as told
ENTREPRENEURS - Choose their own methods and execution plans

PUPPETS - Are told who, what, where, when to do things, not necessarily why, and still risk being disciplined for being Wrong
ENTREPRENEURS - Develop, Implement, Plan, Execute, Evaluate, Adjust, Practice, Study, and hold themselves Accountable

PUPPETS - Risk dignity at the discretion of others
ENTREPRENEURS - Are willing to risk dignity and expose their ideas with self assurance and belief in themselves

PUPPETS - Are restricted as to when they can break, eat, communicate, and leave
ENTREPRENEURS - Enjoy the luxury of attending to needs and desires at their own discretion and when the timing is best for the situation

PUPPETS - Again, risk life, limb and finance in another commute
ENTREPRENEURS - Still may not have groomed, dressed, or left the house yet!

PUPPETS - Have to re-acquaint themselves with loved ones, familiarize themselves with and address each of their circumstance all at once.
ENTREPRENEURS - Share the day and moments with loved ones in real-time

PUPPETS - Must squeeze all of their desired activities into a window of time that will cut them short due to planning for ample sleep to re-initiate the exact same plan tomorrow.
ENTREPRENEURS - Experience Freedom of Time, allowing them to continuously adapt, adjust and enjoy life

PUPPETS - Will lay down at night and worry about their salary covering the bills and other financial needs of their family. They'll struggle with their earlier impromptu and short solutions to the concerns of their loved ones. Most will succumb to their exhaustion without even a chance to plan for change or create goals to improve their quality of life.
ENTREPRENEURS - Will lay down at night and obsess about opportunities, implementation, goals and contingencies. They will Dare to and will Dream BIG while preparing to openly express
and expose their ideas and goals by morning

PUPPETS - Will enter a new day tired, and destined to repeat a continuous and monotonous cycle of puppetry which limits the very existence of hope for a life of financial, time, or personal freedom.
ENTREPRENEURS - Will awake refreshed, excited and eager to Take Action in their pursuit of Life, Liberty & Freedom!

Don't Let Jepetto use you all day and keep you in a box!

You're not the only one who cares that your nose is growing with what you're telling yourself about your security and happiness.

You will not find an opportunity with more honesty, integrity, and genuine willingness to mentor and nurture it's own community. You owe yourself and your loved ones a peek into the phenomenal success being shared; and start seeing the world in terms of what IS, what CAN BE, and what WILL BE.

Cut Your Strings and Develop with Us NOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very original perspective on what an entrepreneur does. It inspires me to continue on the entrepreneurial path and not regress back to a puppet!