Friday, December 5, 2008

Refuse to Quiver and Whine

The following paragraphs point out some financial problems we are knee-deep within, but read to the end and find some encouragement.

I'm sure most you you readers have been affected
by the "Economic Crisis" we are in. If you have an
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) your rates have
risen way beyond the enticing low entry rates.

Interest rates have fallen, but due to greed and
financial concern the rates banks charge their
customers remains high.

It is NOT the result of lack of regulation. It is
the result of the harmful loans for unqualified
home buyers demanded by corrupt politicians
and guaranteed by Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.

After phony assurances by numerous paid-off
politicians Fannie and Freddie are BANKRUPT!
Now all taxpayers are on the hook for "Bail-Out".

The continued inflationary wholesale printing of
"Fiat" money (backed only by a promise) is costly,
and now we are promised greater deficit spending
compounded by greater and greater taxes on everyone!

Increased "Social Programs" and government
employment are the greatest drag on the economy,
because they are paid out of taxes which are received
This is compound interest in REVERSE! You lose!

in the destruction of CAPITALISM. US capitalism is what
produced the greatest country in history.

Now for a couple very positive comments.

The impending large and small bankruptcies and faulty
bail-outs will cause many problems for great numbers
of people, but it will also provide enormous possibilities
for those who refuse to quiver and whine.

A new found internet friend has just introduced me to
a program whereby you can increase your income to the
point that cost isn't an issue; and spend more time doing
things you love with those who love to do them with
you. This single
strategy began empowering many when it
began in July 2007,
and to date has paid its participants
$15.3 million in just 70 weeks!

It is NOT the normal "make an extra payment here and
there", instead it challenges and identifies you from day 1.
requires the confident individual. The individual who is not
of good debt, and knows the difference between
good debt and
bad debt. The person who believes in
themselves, and always stands
ready to invest in themselves.

The American Dream is NOT a Government Program!
The American Dream
is NOT a limited existence; working
to accomplish someone else's wealth
and goals!

I encourage you answer to God, and serve Him with revere.
But, I
encourage you to avoid following anyone else.
Your Belief will guide
and protect you down your path
of Entitled Abundance; not Goverment,
Socialism, Institutions.
or most others.

So as our world continues happening around us, why not
of like-mind, ambition, and self-responsibility?
You knowyou won't excel in
the company of those wallowing
in self-pity andcircumstance. You owe it to yourself and
your loved ones tosurround yourself with those which
will excel.

I found them, and they welcomed me.
They mentored and edified;
Geez-Oh-Man, I've never felt better about
the present and the future!
Why, you ask? Because I'm in charge of my own destiny, and
I'm armed to
the teeth with the tools necessary to maintain
anabundant life through any
and all so-called "Crisis."

- If you're some one who takes responsibility, or want to . . .
- If you're someone that seeks new opportunities in the face
of challenge, or want to

- If you're someone who positions yourself to win, or want to
- If you REFUSE to Quiver & Whine over circumstance, and
prefer to avoid those who do . . .
Come visit us now and get your "Geez-Oh-Man" perspective!

Prov 22:1 A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, ...

"It's not just a dime, it's interest on a dollar". John D. Rockefeller

Live Large,


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